3 Ways To Order Taziki's Fire-Grilled Shrimp Kebobs

Shrimp kebobs are gracing Taziki’s menus everywhere! We tend to think our shrimp kebobs taste delicious no matter how you eat them, but here are 3 of our favorite ways to order Taziki’s shrimp kebobs:

With Any Taziki’s Salad

Searching for a light meal that’s heavy on flavor? Look no further! Our shrimp kebobs pair perfectly with our Mediterranean, Greek, or Cesar salads.


On Top of a Feast

Fire-grilled shrimp kebobs, steamy basmati rice, and a crisp Greek salad? Say less!


For the Family

Who said weeknight dinners had to be boring? Spice it up a little and add shrimp kebobs to your family feast.


PromoSavannah Burton