Employee Spotlight: Meet Emily!

Emily joined Team Taziki’s in Birmingham as a young working student five years ago, and as you can see, has one of the brightest smiles in town! Taziki’s was her very first restaurant job, but she was no stranger to the brand. Multiple members of her family have called Taziki’s home, including an uncle as a General Manager and a cousin as an Assistant Manager. After joining to work along with her sister, she says,

“Working at Taziki’s is becoming something of a family legacy!” 

She’s now worked her way to a Shift Leader position, and as one of our New Store Opening Trainers, she’s awaiting her turn to travel and train new Taziki’s team members in their own stores. ”I absolutely love working with such a tight knit group of people. I’ve never had a job where everyone gets along so well. We all work so well together and are always there for each other inside of work and outside of work.”

Emily adds, “I truly have made some lifelong friends while working here.”

When asked how she’s able to balance her school studies with her full-time Taziki’s job, she says, “Being a full time student and a full time employee definitely has its difficulties. I was worried about how my work schedule would fit my school schedule and if there would be complications, but Taziki’s has always been super understanding of my busy schedule. They have always been so willing to make adjustments to fit my school schedule. One time, I had a very busy school week, finals were coming up, and I was super stressed. I was working a double that day and had a lot of school work. My boss actually let me go on break early so I could study. She even made me some lunch and helped me with my study notes.”

“I’ve always felt that my education was put first. This really means a lot and definitely relieves a lot of stress.”

Emily plans to combine her pursuit of a Marketing Degree with her Taziki’s experience and opportunities for her future. She is getting a chance to train with her local Marketing Directors in Birmingham to learn more about what they do to forge relationships with the community and create new guests.

“Taziki’s is definitely one of the best companies I have had the pleasure of working at. It is great for a first time job or lifelong career. I have learned so many skills while working here that I think have really helped as I’ve grown up. I have learned organizational skills, people skills, and leadership skills. I’ve noticed over the years that Taziki’s really does care about its employees. I love how Keith [Richards, Taziki’s Founder] is a very hands-on type of person. He makes sure his employees are taken care of. I also love how they help guide you into your desired career path, whether it’s with Tazikis or not. I said to Keith that I wanted to do more with the company, but on the marketing side of things, and he explained that he recognized my potential and wanted to help me get where I needed to be.”

When not busy with her studies, her marketing training, or leading shifts at her local Taziki’s, Emily loves to paint, play the piano, and spend time with her family & friends. And her favorite thing on the menu? “I absolutely love the Turkey Club Gyro. The Pesto Aioli is amazing! I recommend it to every person that comes in!”

Want to be a part of #TeamTazikis, or know someone who might? Text TAZJOBS to 31063 or visit taz.jobs today to see the openings nearest you!  

Savannah Burton