A Note from the CEO


Over the past 20 years, I have viewed life as a series of adventures. I’ve been able to take a few trips with my family, but most of my travel has been for work. With my suitcase in hand, I quickly found a rhythm with airports, rental cars, and hotels. Taziki’s has taken me all across the country from the mountains of Denver to the rivers of Cincinnati through the rolling hills of Chattanooga, and the sun-kissed beaches of the Florida panhandle. I’ve enjoyed seeing new landscapes and skylines, engaging diverse cultures and cuisine, and spending time with the people I was launching businesses with. Once arriving back at home, my weekends were spent catching up for lost time with the family. They were filled with soccer games, “Look, Daddy” conversations, and creative, last-minute family meals. Our family playfully calls it the “Simpson-squeeze” as we often live in 6th gear and try to live an intentional, and full life. 

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Needless to say, COVID-19 put a comma in my run-on sentence life. I have never been home this long, slept in my bed this many consecutive nights, and been present for this many family dinners, camping trips, and daddy-daughter dates. Months later, with kids back in “virtual school” we’re all a bit restless and eager to get out and see everyone again, but I confess, there’s been a definitive silver-lining during these past months.

We’ve all continued working harder than ever to get through this pandemic, but I have also gotten to know more of my neighbors and I’ve had more time to garden. Game and movie nights have become staples and sharing meals as a family around the table is more common. This is part of the reason that we chose to expand the Taziki’s Dinner for Four offerings to serve more of our guests with where they are. 

Our new Family Feast meals are a generous spread of food that is customizable for the whole family to enjoy. They are available for families of 4, 6, or 8 and can be ordered for lunch or dinner! Our hope is that our Family Feast meals will give your family, and mine, one more chance to be together. Place your order today at tazikis.com. Enjoy! 

CEO, LifestyleShauna HolmanNews