5 Tips to Build Lunches Your Kiddos Love

GIF of Taziki’s lunch tray

The Summer is quickly coming to a close and the Back to School season is upon us! We all brace for busy schedules -- for kids, teachers, and parents, too. That’s why Kid’s Lunch should be EASY! Here are five tips to build lunches your kiddos will love!

  1. Plan Ahead

    A little planning ahead can cut your prep time in half! Try and prepare as much as you can the night before. Need a list? Fruit, veggies, and even sandwiches can be done the night before. Life Hack: Pick-up a Kid’s Mediterranean Turkey Melt from Taziki’s the night before to make it even simpler. Ta-dah - lunch for tomorrow is complete!

  2. Involve Them in the Process

    Nothing is more frustrating than trying to find something your kids will love that is also healthy. We all know kids love to give their honest opinion - sometimes too honest right? Research shows that when kids have a say in what they are eating, they are much more likely to enjoy their lunch. Try letting your kids take part in the grocery shopping or lunch packing process.

  3. Think of Substitutes

    Some kids love the routine of their favorite meal, while others can get bored easily. Switch it up with some simple substitutes to expand their palate. There are many ways you can create variety without having to put in a ton of effort. Try the Sneaky Taziki Meal. These Chicken Roll-Ups are an easy way to spice up the traditional chicken sandwich and can even be customized with or without tomato and feta cheese.

  4. Lean on Multi-Use Shareables

    Is your purse currently full of snacks for your kids on the go? We feel your pain, that’s stressful! Keep things simple and go for products that have multiple purposes. Next time, grab a pint of Taziki’s scratch-made Hummus for them to snack on with their veggies but that you can also incorporate into dinner as a spread on their burger! Hummus is a great way to sneak healthy plant-based protein into their meal.

  5. Include All Food Groups

    Remember to balance making sure your child is getting the nutrients they need from various different food groups. The Mediterranean Diet includes fruits, veggies, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, and whole grains. Avoid fruits and vegetables that come from a bag. Swing by Taziki’s for a fresh salad and hand-cut fruit that were full vegetables that morning and freshly prepared just for you and your family.

Taziki’s lunch featuring Taziki’s chicken, rice, and fruit cup