Meal Prepping with Sarah Thomas

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle is hard for active, ambitious people. We staged one of the busy, professional regulars in our world to ask her, “How do you do it all?” Our friend, Sarah Thomas shares a little bit more about her story, and where it intersects with Taziki’s. 

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“I’m a 42-year-old wife and mom of three kids (ages 7, 10 and 12) running a business, and running my kids to competitive dance practice every night of the week. My top priority when it comes to food is to fuel my own body (and the little ones I’m mom-ing) with high-quality food. With our on-the-go schedule, meal prep is essential to hitting our nutrition goals each week. 

While meal prep is helpful, it can feel so daunting! It’s typically seen as spending hours in the kitchen every Sunday cutting, washing, prepping and cooking food. All that work is enough for most of us to throw our hands in the air and say “NO MORE”. The struggle is real! You want to eat well and at the same time, you value your family time on the weekend. I get you! 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with meal prep, try these strategies: 

  1. Plan ahead 1-2 dinner recipes for the week.

  2. Double up your recipes to have leftovers DURING the week. 

  3. Take ALL the guesswork out and order a Dinner for 4 from Taziki’s for #mealprepmonday. 

When our time is precious and our life is full, Taziki’s is there for us! Order ahead of time, and swing by and pick up a Dinner for Four after the day’s errands. The goal with meal prep is to ensure you stick with your fitness and nutrition goals while making it easy. It’s an easy equation: Meal Prep Monday with a Taziki’s Dinner for 4, add a sweat sesh, and you have a winning combination to start off the week! 

With Taziki’s #mealprepmonday Dinner for 4, you simply choose a protein, salad, side, and sauce -- done in minutes online. In Franklin, we have partnered with a local Taziki’s, making it so easy to come in to rock your ride at CycleBar Franklin, and have a Dinner for 4 waiting on you! Can you say WIN-WIN?! I love how simple this makes healthy living, and I know you will too. If you are interested in learning more about how to take your wellness to the next level order a Dinner for Four Online today and visit a CycleBar near you. 

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Want to learn more about our sweet friend, Sarah? She brings 22 years of fitness and wellness expertise from a career in personal training, fitness instructing and nutrition coaching. Sarah teaches classes at CycleBar Franklin, TN, and the Franklin, TN YMCA and offers private personal training and small group sessions in Nashville. Sarah is the founder of Burn Fat and FEAST, an online comprehensive wellness program for women 30+ experiencing hormone and metabolism changes. Learn more about it here!

LifestyleLauren Price