Taziki's Big Give Back: National Hug Day


Did you know that June 29th is National Hug Day

While we wish we could celebrate and hug all of the incredible Healthcare Heroes who have worked tirelessly this year, our Dallas and Atlanta markets have decided to celebrate in a socially-distanced way. In place of a hug, our Atlanta and Dallas stores will donate 10% of their sales on June 29th to provide meal certificates to Heroes! 

For every $20 earned in-store in our Atlanta and Dallas stores (or donated online at tazikis.com/heroes,) a Taziki's Healthcare Hero Dinner for Four certificate will be given to a medical professional for future use. Each meal includes Grilled Chicken, Basmati Rice, Greek Salad, Taziki Dip, and Pita for four! 

If you live in the Dallas or Atlanta area, mark your calendars to dine with us for a great cause on June 29th. If you can’t make the event, you can still help out by purchasing a Healthcare Heroes Certificate at tazikis.com/heroes. Join together with us to provide a hug and a meal to make this National Hug Day one to remember!

PromoShauna Holman