America Saves Week

Taziki's is committed to helping our teams build financial confidence, and we invite you to join us!

Financial confidence is the intersection of building a savings habit, knowing what resources you have available to support your financial stability, and taking advantage of those resources as needed.

Join us and take the pledge!

This week we're partnering with the organization America Saves to elevate a national conversation encouraging individuals to take control of their financial future.


Do you ever find yourself wondering if there is a magic formula to saving? It’s not unusual to feel unconfident about saving, no matter how much money you earn. Confidence doesn’t necessarily come with having a lot of money. Rather it comes from building healthy financial habits and using the resources you know are available to you – this is your financial confidence! 

A great place to start building your financial confidence is to set up automatic savings. When you are saving a dedicated amount of money every week, every month, or on some other regular interval, you can begin to feel a sense of control over your saving habits. Whether you are saving just $5 or $10 a month or more, it’s the fact that you’re doing it automatically that is important.   

Saving automatically is the formula for successful saving for anyone – including you. Getting started doesn’t have to be a hurdle either.

Consider one of the  two strategies below:

  1. Instructing your employer to split your directly deposited paycheck into two or more accounts at your financial institution with one account being a dedicated savings account. 

  2. Directing your financial institution to automatically transfer money into your savings account.  

Start saving today!

Monica Krontiras