New Year, Healthier You with Nick Carrier


Today’s blog features Nick Carrier, a Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Fitness Trainer in Nashville, TN. Carrier coaches at Orangetheory Fitness (for over 4 years), is a proud Lululemon ambassador, and the dedicated host of “Nick Carrier’s Best You Podcast.As a group fitness instructor and personal trainer, the new year is always a critical time of year for me personally, and for those I work with.  Everyone wants to set new health and fitness goals, yet so few see it through from start to finish. All this said, I’ve learned a thing or two about goal setting.

When people set goals, the vast majority of them have the best intentions to follow through. Yet time and time again, so many fall short. Why? More times than not, the answer lies not in the goal itself, but in the strategy. You see, most people attribute falling short to a lack of discipline. When in reality, they lack a clear strategy that sets them up for success. 

Here are five key components to ensure your strategy keeps you disciplined and leads you to executing your goal: 

  1. Know where you currently stand in relationship to your goal

  2. Define what success looks like AND by when

  3. Determine the two most important things you need to do to get there

  4. Create a way to track your progress

  5. Find an accountability partner 

These five steps may sound simple, but their implementation is far from it. Each of these takes time and energy but following this recipe diligently will skyrocket your chances of success. 



The winter is a particularly difficult time to tackle your goals. It’s bitter cold, the sun vanishes before dinnertime, chocolate sales lurk in every storefront, holiday parties are endless, the excuses could go on and on. So, here are three recommendations to help you stay fit in the winter:

  1. Set a goal

  2. Plan out your exercise ahead of time

  3. Keep it simple


When you set a goal, fitness remains a priority in your life. When you plan out your workouts ahead of time, you’re less likely to make the popular “I didn’t have time” excuse. Finally, when you don’t over-complicate your workout, it can be done quickly and efficiently!



To achieve these goals, nutrition is just as important, dare I say even more so than fitness. When planning meals or dining out during the winter, and as a general rule-of-thumb, use these three easy tips to ensure you stay on track with your health and fitness goals: 

  1. Add color variety to your plate

  2. Allow vegetables more room on your plate than any other food group

  3. Eat until you’ve had sufficiency, not until you’re full


Making healthy decisions when eating out can be daunting. Luckily, Taziki’s is one restaurant that will keep you running towards your goals. One of my favorite things about Taziki’s is that their meals are loaded with color - meaning the meals are both fun to look at (Instagram-worthy) and have a multitude of vitamins and minerals. I love their Grilled Chicken Gyro for a post-workout meal, and their Mediterranean Salad is one of my go-to dinners! The garbanzo beans and pecans are a great addition for texture, flavor, and nutritional value. These are two of my favorite meals, but I challenge you to find a couple that meet your needs and that you look forward to every time. 

Constantly hopping around gyms as a trainer can make it difficult to order and pick-up food in a timely fashion. However, I can order quickly and easily through the Taziki’s app. It makes quick pick-up a breeze for any tight schedule. Share your fitness goals with us below on how you stay healthy and on track!
